Bulletin Information March 29, 2025
Lesson Study
Bible Study Sanctuary-
God's Love and Justice
"Love Is the Fulfillment of the Law"
Memory Text: “Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law” (Romans 13:8, NKJV).
Read for This Week’s Study: Exod. 20:1–17; Rom. 6:1–3; Rom. 7:7–12; Jer. 31:31–34; Matt. 23:23, 24; James 2:1–9.
Church at Worship
11:00 AM
Call To Worship: Rita Everett & Friends
Church Life: Larry Jenks
Offering: Larry Jenks
“Church Budget”
Children’s Story:
Praise and Worship: Rita Everett & Friends
Prayer: Larry Jenks
Special Music:
Sermon: Testimony Sabbath
Prayer: Jim Moyer
Thank you for placing your phones on SILENT MODE during all meetings.
LIVE STREAMING - Those leading out in Sabbath School and Church Services, will be broadcast (live streamed) as a ministry to the community. The church supports live streaming that only pictures "up front" presentations without children or the audience.
As we gather together to worship God in this sacred place,
we feel uplifted and supported when we share our mutual joys and
sorrows in the form of prayer requests.